
          Steven is available for workshops and talks.  The workshop's content, purpose, and relevancy follows and is essentially the same material that he taught as an extracurricular class at Heartwood.  The difference is that was two hours per week for ten weeks -- twenty hours.  The workshop presented is forty three hours in a one week period; which, allows for a more time in labs -- applications -- and presents a more intense experience. 
          He is also available for a series presentation.  A syllabus and series poster is in the second half of this web page.  The series is comes from The Truth Tuning Toolkit -- "The Toolkit" -- and is a compilation of generic mental exercises derived from the labs of the mystic science textbook I AM A I
          A poster of an upcoming workshop at Heartwood is at the end of this page.  If interested please contact him through the email address on this web site or Heartwood.

Workshop Content

          The content of the workshop is in I AM A I with its lab applications.  In addition, the lab applications can be found as basic mental exercises in The Truth Tuning Toolkit.

Workshop Purpose

          People involved with popular world religions and philosophies may disagree, however the mystical or contemplative -- monastic -- people of different religions tend to agree.  They all talk about having to do the same thing.  Only their approach, methodologies, or philosophies may differ.  For example, catholic monks take the Tao te Ching, substitute the phrase "the Way" with the phrase " the Christ" and call it "the book".

          The purpose of this workshop is to expose you to ancient reoccurring worldwide spiritual/mystical concepts within a contemporary college physical science format for non-science majors. The provided paradigm encompasses a wide spectrum of spiritual thought and philosophies.  It contains a synthesis between scientific and spiritual models, and shows you how they relate and are not that different. 
           The model you will be presented with contains a thumbnail sketch of the history of world religions, the shamanic journey, science, and math.  You will be introduced to a comprehensive paradigm that includes a model of the Universe – Divine into physical form (incorporating the prevailing physics model), a model of how your mortal mind works, and you are presented with an interface of the two. 
          The spectrum of the model presented spans elements relevant to Shamanism to elements of the Covenant (Judaic, Christian, and Islamic thought), from Buddhist concepts to math concepts, and it provides a links between western technical/scientific thought to witchcraft or magic concepts.
          The workshop also presents advanced spiritual concepts that clarify – demystifies -- thaumaturgical magic and miracles.

          Even without the intellectual elements of this workshop you are also exposed to techniques for opening your ‘mind’s eye’ – adding dimensions to your mind.  Specifically, you are given a hands-on exposure to visualization techniques; truth perception and recognition; thinking in parallels; using the mind's weaknesses; meditation techniques (including using music as a mental tool); psychic perception, techniques, and its cultivation; and consciously forming personal intention. 

          In conclusion, the workshop format allows for an introduction of a comprehensive metaphysical theory while providing hands-on exposure to the presented concepts.

Workshop Relevancy to Daily Life

           The comprehensiveness of the model that is presented makes it applicable to most serious endeavors.  The importance of formulating personal intention, meditation mechanics with modalities, and some of the perceptual psychology concepts introduced in the workshop are some of the examples of how this is possible.
          The Mystic Science workshop ties together many subjects and works with common themes.  The workshop teaches the mechanics of meditation, which can be referenced to other relevant workshops or experiences.  You will learn mechanisms in common between martial arts orientated disciplines, to the various yoga disciplines, and the concepts and exercises presented can be applicable to massage, art, music, and dance endeavors.  You also are introduced to a mathematical formula that helps define your effectiveness in these endeavors. 
          Techniques taught in this workshop can aid in cultivating and maintaining a specific consciousness while performing a physical operation like athletics, work, or cutting the lawn.  You are also presented with a number of grounding techniques for your mind and also introduces the importance and role the Divine has in healing.
          This metaphysics workshop illustrates many ways you can ‘tweak’ your individual practice; you are shown how you can expand the scope of whatever practice (spiritual, mystical, physical, etc.) you may have. 

Mystic Science Poster Sample

9:00 am
Breathing exercises 
Meditation & internal focus 
Chanting & external focus
Devotional meditation
Empty mind meditation
Meditation freestyle
 Math history,  Postulates, 
 Realities & mind mechanics (pt1) 
 Formula of effectiveness 
 ESP theory and cultivation
 Thaumaturgical magic theory
 History revisited, world 
Cognition exercise 
See/want assignment
ESP exercise (pt1)
Energy flow
 religions, miracles, and conclusion
 Generation of physical form 
 mind mechanics (pt2) 
ESP exercise 
 Tools and music 
5:00 pm
 Truth percept-ion and thinking in parallels (pt1)
 Extending the mind through space 
7:00 pm to
Truth recognition & Not doing
 Truth percept-ion and thinking in 
 Extending the mind through 
 Music applications
9:00 pm
Introduction and some history 
 parallels (pt2) 



     The Mindwalk series is a set of generic mental exercises  whose repeated applications will expand your mental awareness on very basic levels.  The applications are so basic that they are readily adaptable to any truth related personal philosophies, spiritual or non-spiritual.
     Mindwalk is avallable in a series of 2 hour sessions or as a weekend excursion workshop.

Mindwalk Poster Sample


    Each seperate session will begin with performing a different meditation modality in addition to learning  applications that will expand your awareness.
    The complete series is derived from the 'Toolkit' and the content is as follows: 

Figure 4-4, I AM A I, The Mortal Mnd Mechanism

1st Series Installment:

Series introduction, meditation  mechanics with modalities, and other operations:
  • Meditation mechanics with breathing  modalities 
    • Explained
    • Why 
    • Variations presented
  • Other applications -- exercises
    • Truth response mechanism
    • Resetting the mind
    • An exercise in not doing
4th Series Installment: 

Introduction of Divine concepts with meditation modalities and expanding time perception
  • Introduction of a devotional focus to meditation modalities
    • Divine concepts being used
    • Explanation 
  • Extending perception through time
    • Long version
    • short version
2nd Series Installment: 

Internal focus meditations and truth perception in everyday objects -- thinking in parallels:
  • Internal meditation mechanics with using OM
    • Explained
    • Approach 
    • Variations
  • Truth Perception
    • Long term exercise
    • Using whatever is around you
    • Thinking in parallels and expanding perception
    • Advantages
5th Series Installment: 

Freestyle meditation modalities exposure, enrgy flows trhough the body, and using the most powerful mystical tool we have, music:
  • Freestyle meditation explanation along with variations
    • TM
    • No thought
    • Lexio Divino
  • Energy flow perception in the body using the hands
  • Music as a internal tool
    • Explain
    • Variations
3rd Series Installment: 

External focus meditation modalities, preperation of the operator with an exposure to personal perception\desire sets, and learning to extend perception in space: 
  • External focus meditation modality taught
    • Power chant
    • Explained
    • Will use Nam-Myo-Ho-Renge-Kyo
  • Additional applications or exercises
    • Setting intention and cultivating a disinterested interest
    • Exposure to their individual thought/desire relationship
  • Extending perception through space
    • Long version
    • short version

     As can be seen, people who attend this series will be exposed to some of the core concepts in use by most recognized spiritual\mystical disciplines. 
     And...because some of the concepts presented work when applied independent of personal belief and creed, they will have an effect when applied. 
     Some applications may need repetition for a noticeable effect.

 Truth Tuning Toolkit